Saturday, February 28, 2009

Here are some pics from the past few months for you to check out. Enjoy!

Ta Da!! this is the result of our sand sculpting class last October. :-) Can you tell it's supposed to be a shark? ;-)

Z at Halloween 2008. Don't mess w/ Batman!

Z w/ N at the hospital.

Christmas Day 2008. I wanna be a rock star!

Our big snow storm! We had 6 inches. It's the first snow that Z can remember. He got to make the snow angels he's been asking to make for the last few years and we finally had enough snow to do it! He was even able to sled down the little hill in our backyard. He was a happy camper.

Mommy trudges out in the snow to be a good sport! :-) Good thing I bought that new down coat before leaving VA!

Here's N nice and cozy inside during the snow storm.

Happy 2 months to N!